Date: Saturday, March 22
Time: Check-in 6 a.m. | Start 7 a.m.
Location: NAS I Start | NAS II Finish
Eligibility: All DoD ID Cardholders Age 16+
Cost: Free
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 19
Registration Link: HERE

The 7-mile running event you have been waiting for! Start at NAS I and navigate the winding roads of "the triangle" to finish at NAS II. Participants are required to maintain a pace of 14:00 per mile. Advanced registration is required to participate. Please arrive early on the day of the race to collect your things and warm up. For more information and volunteer opportunities, please contact 

**Please note: this is a point to point running event that will happen on open roads. Limited shoulder space on the roads and potential for unstable footing requires us to limit the event registration to 200 participants. Additionally, we cannot allow any wheeled devices on the course (i.e. bikes, strollers, scooters, etc.).